Source: src/includes/

 * Given a region, this renders it and all the blocks in it. The blocks are
 * specified in the settings.js file, they are bundled under a region, which in
 * turn is bundled under a theme name. Returns an empty string if it fails.
 * @param {Object} region
 * @return {String}
function drupalgap_render_region(region) {
  try {
    // @TODO - this function is getting huge. Break it up into many more
    // manageable functions.

    // Make sure there are blocks specified for this theme in settings.js.
    if (!drupalgap.settings.blocks[drupalgap.settings.theme]) {
      var msg = 'WARNING: drupalgap_render_region() - there are no blocks ' +
        'for the "' + drupalgap.settings.theme + '" theme in the settings.js ' +
      return '';

    // Grab the current path.
    var current_path = drupalgap_path_get();

    // Let's render the region...
    var region_html = '';

    region_html +=
      _drupalgap_region_render_zone('_prefix', region, current_path);

    // Verify the region has any blocks.
    var hasBlocks = drupalgap.settings.blocks[drupalgap.settings.theme][];
    if (hasBlocks) {
      var blockCount = 0;
      $.each(drupalgap.settings.blocks[drupalgap.settings.theme][], function(index, block) {
        if (!in_array(index, ['_prefix', '_suffix'])) {
      hasBlocks = blockCount;

    // If the region has blocks specified for it in the theme in settings.js...
    if (hasBlocks) {

      // If a class attribute hasn't yet been provided, set a default, then
      // append a system class name for the region onto its attributes array.
      if (!region.attributes['class']) { region.attributes['class'] = ''; }
      region.attributes['class'] += ' region_' + + ' ';

      // Open the region container.
      region_html += '<div ' + drupalgap_attributes(region.attributes) + '>';

      // If there are any links attached to this region, render them first.
      var region_link_count = 0;
      var region_link_popup_count = 0;
      if (region.links && region.links.length > 0) {

        // Let's first iterate over all of the region links and keep counts of
        // any links that use the ui-btn-left and ui-btn-right class attribute.
        // This will allow us to properly wrap region links in a control group.
        var ui_btn_left_count = 0;
        var ui_btn_right_count = 0;
        for (var index in region.links) {
            if (!region.links.hasOwnProperty(index)) { continue; }
            var link = region.links[index];
            var data = menu_region_link_get_data(link);
            if (!drupalgap_check_visibility('region', data)) { continue; }
            var css_class = drupalgap_link_get_class(link);
            if (css_class) {
              var side = menu_region_link_get_side(css_class);
              if (side == 'left') { ui_btn_left_count++; }
              else if (side == 'right') { ui_btn_right_count++; }

        // We need to separately render each side of the header (left, right).
        // That allows us to properly wrap the links with a control group if
        // it is needed.
        var region_link_html = '';
        var ui_btn_left_html = '';
        var ui_btn_right_html = '';
        for (var i = 0; i < region.links.length; i++) {

          // Grab the link and its data.
          var region_link = region.links[i];
          var data = menu_region_link_get_data(region_link);

          // Check link's region visiblity settings. Links will not be rendered
          // on certain system pages.
          // @TODO - this additional call to drupalgap_check_visibility() here
          // may be expensive, consider setting aside the results from the call
          // above, and using them here.
          if (drupalgap_check_visibility('region', data)) {

            // Don't render the link on certain system pages.
            if (in_array(current_path, ['offline', 'error', 'user/logout'])) {

            // If this is a popup region link, set the jQM attributes to make
            // this link function as a popup (dropdown) menu. Set the default
            // link icon, if it isn't set.
            var link_text = region_link.title;
            var link_path = region_link.path;
            if (data.options.popup) {


              // If the link text isn't set, and the data icon pos isn't set,
              // set it the data icon pos so the button and icon are rendered
              // properly.
              if (
                (!link_text || empty(link_text)) &&
                typeof data.options.attributes['data-iconpos'] === 'undefined'
              ) { data.options.attributes['data-iconpos'] = 'notext'; }

              // If data-rel, data-icon, data-role aren't set, set them.
              if (
                typeof data.options.attributes['data-rel'] === 'undefined'
              ) { data.options.attributes['data-rel'] = 'popup'; }
              if (
                typeof data.options.attributes['data-icon'] === 'undefined'
              ) { data.options.attributes['data-icon'] = 'bars'; }
              if (
                typeof data.options.attributes['data-role'] === 'undefined'
              ) { data.options.attributes['data-role'] = 'button'; }

              // Popup menus need a dynamic href value on the link, so we
              // always overwrite it.
              link_path = null;
              data.options.attributes['href'] =
                '#' + menu_container_id(data.options.popup_delta);
            else {

              // Set the data-role to a button, if one isn't already set.
              if (typeof data.options.attributes['data-role'] === 'undefined') {
                data.options.attributes['data-role'] = 'button';


            // If it has notext for the icon position, force the text to be
            // an nbsp.
            if (data.options.attributes['data-iconpos'] == 'notext') {
              link_text = '&nbsp;';

            // Render the link on the proper side.
            var css_class = drupalgap_link_get_class(region_link);
            var side = menu_region_link_get_side(css_class);
            var link_html = l(link_text, link_path, data.options);
            if (side == 'left') { ui_btn_left_html += link_html; }
            else if (side == 'right') { ui_btn_right_html += link_html; }



        // If there was more than one link on a side, wrap it in a control
        // group, and remove the ui-btn class from the links.
        if (ui_btn_left_count > 1) {
          var attrs = {
            'data-type': 'horizontal',
            'data-role': 'controlgroup',
            'class': 'ui-btn-left'
          ui_btn_left_html = '<div ' + drupalgap_attributes(attrs) + '>' +
            ui_btn_left_html.replace(/ui-btn-left/g, '') +
        if (ui_btn_right_count > 1) {
          var attrs = {
            'data-type': 'horizontal',
            'data-role': 'controlgroup',
            'class': 'ui-btn-right'
          ui_btn_right_html = '<div ' + drupalgap_attributes(attrs) + '>' +
            ui_btn_right_html.replace(/ui-btn-right/g, '') +

        // Finally render the ui sides on the region.
        region_html += ui_btn_left_html + ui_btn_right_html;

      // Render each block in the region. Determine how many visible blocks are
      // in the region.
      var block_counts = {
        block_count: 0,
        block_menu_count: 0
      var blocks = drupalgap.settings.blocks[drupalgap.settings.theme][];
      for (var block_delta in blocks) {
          if (!blocks.hasOwnProperty(block_delta)) { continue; }
          var block_settings = blocks[block_delta];
          // Ignore region _prefix and _suffix.
          if (block_delta == '_prefix' || block_delta == '_suffix') { continue; }
          // Render the block.
          region_html += drupalgap_block_render(

      // If this was a header or footer, and there were only region links
      // rendered, place an empty header in the region.
      if (
        in_array(region.attributes['data-role'], ['header', 'footer']) &&
          block_counts.block_count == 0 && region_link_count > 0 ||
          block_counts.block_count - block_counts.block_menu_count == 0
        ) ||
          region_link_count > 0 &&
          region_link_popup_count >= block_counts.block_menu_count &&
          block_counts.block_count == 0
      ) {
        // Show an empty header if we're not collapsing on an empty region.
        if (
          typeof region.collapse_on_empty === 'undefined' ||
          region.collapse_on_empty === false
        ) { region_html += '<h2>&nbsp;</h2>'; }

      // Close the region container.
      region_html += '</div><!-- ' + + ' -->';


    region_html +=
      _drupalgap_region_render_zone('_suffix', region, current_path);

    return region_html;
  catch (error) { console.log('drupalgap_render_region - ' + error); }

 * Renders the given zone (_prefix, _suffix) if any for a region.
 * @param {String} zone
 * @param {Object} region
 * @param {String} current_path
 * @return {String}
function _drupalgap_region_render_zone(zone, region, current_path) {
  try {
    var html = '';
    var theme_name = drupalgap.settings.theme;
    if (typeof drupalgap.settings.blocks[theme_name][] ===
    ) { return html; }
    var region_settings =
    if (typeof region_settings[zone] === 'undefined') { return html; }
    var blocks = region_settings[zone];
    for (var block_delta in blocks) {
        if (!blocks.hasOwnProperty(block_delta)) { continue; }
        var block_settings = blocks[block_delta];
        html += drupalgap_block_render(
    return html;
  catch (error) { console.log('_drupalgap_region_render_zone - ' + error); }

 * Given a key (typically a block delta), this will generate a unique ID that
 * can be used for the panel. It will be fused with the current page id.
 * @param {String} key
 * @return {String}
function drupalgap_panel_id(key) {
  try {
    return key + '_' + drupalgap_get_page_id();
  catch (error) { console.log('drupalgap_panel_id - ' + error); }